5 ideas to try while you’re stuck in traffic


Forget the road rage, we’ve got a few better options to help pass the time while stuck in traffic

After a month in lock down I almost forgot what it was like to be stuck in the infamous Auckland traffic. We replaced automotive traffic with foot traffic. Our biggest concerns became avoiding all other bubbles, it seemed there were more people walking on the roads than vehicles. As we move down alert levels unfortunately we’re going to be spending more time sitting behind the wheel again. In fact, the average commuter spends around 54 hours a year stuck in traffic! So, here’s a few ideas to help time fly faster when you’re feeling trapped:

  1. Call your friends, family or relatives – The world and situation we are in gets crazier everyday. Check up on your parents and your mates. Who knows this could become part of your daily routine. Make sure its hands free though. (Hint: “Hey Siri, call Mum”

  1. Listen to an audio-book or podcast – Want to be a CEO? Well the average CEO reads 5 books a month!  Who has that time? You do! Download an audio-book, chuck it on while your stuck in traffic, that way you have no excuse to stop learning.

3. Sing a tune – A classic but, we are all guilty of this. Singing releases endorphins which reduces stress, so it’s a win-win. What better way to start the day?

  1. Lay off the road rage – Yes it is true that you indicate for everyone but nobody indicates for you. However, let’s keep up the team mentality from COVID and remember that everyone is human. (But please indicate, it is annoying when you don’t) 

  1. Try some deep breathing exercises – Recent studies have shown that deep breathing is one of our easiest, most convenient and natural tools to combat issues like stress and anxiety, reduce pain, high blood pressure and even aid in digestion.

Stay safe on the roads team, and maybe try something new next time you’re stuck in traffic. It might just spice up your morning!