Air filter


What the air filter does.

The air filter’s job is pretty simple but super important – it keeps dust, dirt and debris out of your engine as it sucks in air. Just like you wouldn’t want to breathe in a bunch of crud, your car’s engine needs clean air to run its best.

How to tell if the air filter is faulty.

A clogged-up air filter can cause all sorts of issues, like reduced fuel economy, poor performance, rough running and even a check engine light in extreme cases. If your car feels more sluggish than usual or the engine sounds a bit off, it might be time for a new filter.

How much does it cost to repair an air filter in New Zealand?

Air filter replacement is usually pretty affordable, ranging from around $50 for a basic filter up to $200+ for a fancy high-performance one. It’s an easy DIY job on most cars if you’re looking to save a few bucks.

So there you have it – the humble air filter, quietly keeping your engine’s lungs clear day in and day out. Don’t neglect this little guy, as a clogged filter can lead to some annoying performance issues. Keep an eye on it and swap in a fresh one every so often to keep your engine breathing easy.