

What the camshaft does.

The camshaft is the conductor of your engine’s valvetrain orchestra. Its precisely shaped lobes open and close the valves in perfect sync with the pistons, letting air and fuel in and exhaust out at just the right moments. Without the camshaft, your engine would just be a chunky paperweight.

How to tell if the camshaft is faulty.

A bad camshaft can cause all sorts of engine mayhem. You might experience misfires, a rough idle, poor acceleration, or even a total failure to start if the cam is really far gone. A loud tapping from the valvetrain is another red flag.

How much does it cost to repair a camshaft in New Zealand.

Camshaft replacement is not a cheap fix. Expect to pay at least $1000-1500+ depending on your engine. And if the cam has damaged other valvetrain parts like lifters or pushrods, the bill can skyrocket. The camshaft is the heart of your engine’s top end. When it’s working right, you enjoy smooth, strong performance. But if it starts to go south, watch out – you could be in for a world of trouble and a hefty repair bill. If you suspect cam issues, get it checked out pronto to avoid further damage.