Balance shaft


What the balance shaft does.

If you’ve got a four-cylinder engine, chances are it has a balance shaft inside. This clever bit of engineering helps cancel out some of the vibrations that are inherent to a four-cylinder design, making for a smoother-running engine.

How to tell if the balance shaft is faulty.

A bad balance shaft can cause some pretty funky noises from your engine, like a knocking or tapping sound. You might also feel more vibration than usual. If your four-banger is sounding a bit off, a balance shaft issue could be to blame.

How much does it cost to repair a balance shaft in New Zealand?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find NZ-specific pricing for balance shaft repairs. But based on the complexity of the job, I’d expect it to be a fairly pricey fix—probably several hundred dollars at minimum, potentially more if other engine work is needed.

So what’s the deal with balance shafts? They’re a nifty bit of engine tech that helps smooth out those pesky four-cylinder vibes. But if one goes bad, you could be in for a noisy, shaky ride and a not-so-fun repair bill. If you suspect balance shaft trouble, it is best to get it diagnosed ASAP.