What to Look Out For When Buying a Second-Hand Suzuki Swift


The Suzuki Swift is a popular choice for New Zealand drivers seeking a fun, fuel-efficient hatchback.  But with so many models on the market, from 2005 onwards,  navigating the used car scene can be tricky. This blog post will guide you through what to look out for when considering a second-hand Suzuki Swift.

Safety First: Swift’s Crash Test Results

Safety is paramount. Here in New Zealand, the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) conducts crash testing.  Earlier Suzuki Swifts (pre-2011) received a 4-star ANCAP safety rating. From 2011 onwards, the rating improved to a maximum 5 stars. This signifies a significant safety improvement in newer models, thanks to features like Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and more airbags.  When browsing second-hand Swifts, prioritize models from 2011 onwards for the best safety features.

Mechanical Reliability and Common Issues

Suzuki has a reputation for building reliable cars, and the Swift is no exception.  However, with any used car, it’s wise to be aware of potential trouble spots. Here are some common issues to watch out for in a second-hand Suzuki Swift:

  • CV Joint Wear: The constant velocity (CV) joints, which manage power delivery to the front wheels, can wear out over time. Listen for clicking noises from the front of the car, especially when turning corners.
  • Clutch Issues: Earlier models (pre-2010) might have clutch problems, manifesting as difficulty changing gears or a burning smell.
  • Interior Plastic Quality: The Swift’s interior, while functional, uses budget-friendly plastics that can scratch easily. Inspect the interior for signs of excessive wear and tear.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Suzuki Swift


  • Fun to Drive: The Swift is known for its sharp handling and peppy engines, making it a joy to drive, especially on twisty roads.
  • Fuel Efficiency: With a lightweight design and efficient engines, the Suzuki Swift is an economical choice, offering excellent fuel mileage.
  • Reliable: Suzukis are renowned for their reliability, and the Swift is no different. With regular maintenance, a used Swift should provide years of trouble-free service.
  • Practicality: While not the most spacious car, the Swift offers enough room for most daily commutes and errands.


  • Interior Space: The Swift is a compact car, and rear seat legroom and cargo space can be tight, especially for taller passengers or those with a lot of gear.
  • Basic Interior: As mentioned earlier, the interior uses budget-friendly materials and lacks the premium feel of some competitors.
  • Safety in Older Models: Pre-2011 models have a lower ANCAP safety rating than newer versions.

Disclaimer: This blog post is based on general information and the reviewer’s opinion. It is not an exhaustive guide and should not be considered a substitute for a professional inspection or mechanical advice. My Auto Shop does not endorse any specific vehicle or make any claims about the condition of any particular car.

The Final Word

The Suzuki Swift is a compelling option for budget-minded drivers seeking a fun, reliable hatchback. By considering the safety ratings, potential mechanical issues, and the car’s strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be well-equipped to find a second-hand Swift that meets your needs. Remember to get a pre-purchase inspection from a qualified mechanic before finalizing your decision.