Expert’s breakdown equipment and preparation checklist

Man looking at his broken down car engine

We can thank our lucky stars that you don’t need to be a qualified mechanic in order to find yourself adequately prepared for that odd occasion when you experience a roadside breakdown.

In fact, it happens on a regular basis, just generally not to the same individual driver, assuming the vehicle is regularly serviced by professional auto technicians.

But, the chances are you will most likely experience a breakdown (or two) through your driving career, and so it makes sense that having a little bit of know-how when it comes to breakdowns can come in handy.

Here at My Auto Shop, we’d rather be the ‘fence at the top of the cliff’, rather than the ‘ambulance at the bottom’ when it comes to ensuring your car is breakdown proofed.  Here’s our checklist to help you get the basics sorted.

Spare tyre

We’ll start with the obvious!  You literally never know when you’re going to need a spare tyre.  It should always be in your toolkit. You could hit the kerb too hard, mistakenly roll over something sharp, or just pay the price of wear and tear with a slow leak.  Either way, don’t leave home without one. 

Tools to change tyres

We’ll start with the obvious!  You literally never know when you’re going to need a spare tyre.  It should always be in your toolkit. You could hit the kerb too hard, mistakenly roll over something sharp, or just pay the price of wear and tear with a slow leak.  Either way, don’t leave home without one. 

Water for your radiator

If you’re struggling with a radiator overheating, you’re going to look like a certified pro when you bust out your spare bottle of water.  Hopefully there are people there!  You can also mention how useful it is to refill your windscreen washer fluid too, for extra am-tech (amateur technician) points.

Tyre gauge

A tyre gauge is super handy because it gives you the power to check your tyre pressure, basically making you unstoppable on any terrain.  Four-wheel-drive enthusiasts, or those thinking about buying one, must absolutely take this one on board!

Fire extinguisher

Okay, we can already hear you saying, “isn’t that a bit overboard?” but in reality, we want to make sure you’re one hundred percent safe and prepared, and a fire extinguisher could be the difference between life and death if you’re ever in a car emergency.


Breakdowns are notoriously stressful, and even more stressful when it happens in the middle of the night.  But even still, if you find yourself underneath the   car needing to check something out, that torch is going to come in super handy.  If you’re worried about flat batteries, or not having any spare batteries, you can pick up a sweet wind up or hand crank torch pretty easily online.

Jumper leads

These are another standard item you’ll need in your toolkit.  If you ever find yourself in a breakdown situation, the ability to jump start your car can be the difference between a quick fix and a lengthy wait for a mobile mechanic or roadside assistance. Check out our article on how to safely jump start your car battery.

First aid kit

If anyone in your vehicle has the misfortune of experiencing an injury while you’re on the road, it can be reassuring on a number of levels to have a first aid kit packed away.  We each have our own way of coping on the road, and so if people find themselves dehydrated and headache-y, having a pack of Panadol can make the whole experience a lot easier for everyone.

Need a hand with any of this stuff?  The team at My Auto Shop can help with anything you’re struggling with.  Head over to the service area to get started.