Expert’s guide to mobile windscreen repairs
- 3 mins readAre you reading this due to a set of unfortunate circumstances relating to your windscreen? We’re sorry to hear that! The good news is that mobile windshield experts can repair or replace your windscreen in the convenience of your own home… or at the very least your driveway. Even better, we can help! Why windscreens […]
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Expert’s guide to remote technician car servicing
- 4 mins readWhen it comes to convenience, you really can’t go past booking a My Auto Shop remote technician. It’s so easy! Much like a mobile mechanic, they visit your home or office, grab the keys, and after a few hours you’re all good to go. No mess, no fuss! That said, we thought we’d cover off […]
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Why I booked a My Auto Shop remote technician
/ - 3 mins readGuest Post: If your life is anything like mine, the hours spent between 7am-5pm are spent running around like a headless chicken, checking in on whatever needs doing work-wise, errands to keep things going at home, the list is endless! So you can imagine my dismay when I noticed that my brakes started to show […]
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Can mobile auto electricians do the same jobs as those in a workshop?
/ - 3 mins readWith ownership of electric vehicles (EVs) on the rise, it’s a fair bet that car owners in general are needing to deal with more electrical issues than normal. That’s not to say they’re at all prone to problems – in fact, we’re big fans here at My Auto Shop – it’s just the nature of […]
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How can a mobile mechanic help me?
/ - 3 mins readMobile mechanics, also known as remote technicians here at My Auto Shop, offer a great way to get your vehicle serviced or repaired at your home or office, without losing out on valuable time getting your car in full working order. With the ability to bring all the necessary tools and parts with them in […]
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Expert’s guide to storing valuables in your vehicle
/ - 4 mins readWe’ve all seen the signs telling us not to leave valuables in our cars, but we sometimes assume it’s more probable that something will be taken if we take it to the beach, amusement parks, or on a hike through the woods. There will be occasions when you forget something in the car before leaving, […]
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Zen guide to merging lanes
/ - 6 mins readLane merging might be viewed as a pain in the neck, and not to be too reductive, but sometimes it literally is a pain in the neck having to twist your head to see what’s happening around you. That said, it’s an excellent way to exercise your patience muscle, one of those challenges that leads […]
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Expert’s guide to choosing your car battery
/ - 3 mins readAh, the ol’ battery change – it sounds so simple doesn’t it? When it comes to getting a new battery in your vehicle, you’re probably focused on two things. The first being the obvious, is this going to mean my car actually starts up? And secondly, how long is it going to last? For a […]
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Can I install an aftermarket steering wheel, legally?
/ - 3 mins readWith the abundance of car modification options that are available today, and their relative affordability (depending on what you’re looking at!), it can get pretty tempting to start making personalised upgrades to your vehicle. When it comes to vehicle performance and safety, cosmetic alterations are generally harmless and aren’t anything to worry about. When engines […]
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Expert’s guide to the 20 minute car wash
/ - 4 mins readGiving your car’s paintwork a wash is one of the easiest ways to take care of your vehicle. With most of the My Auto Shop team’s cars being covered with dirt dust from summer road trips, we’ve put together our tips on keeping your car’s paintwork at its best. Start by cleaning your wheels Before […]
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How far can I drive with my fuel light on?
/ - 4 mins readThere was a time in my life when driving around with the fuel light on with fairly common practice. Looking back now, I feel it was probably more an indication of my priorities at the time, of which keeping my car in good nick was pretty low on the list in those student days. There’s […]
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Everything you need to know about trailer sway
/ - 3 mins readIf you’re towing a trailer or caravan, one of the worst things that can happen is for your trailer to wobble precariously back and forth, eventually falling on one side and dragging your vehicle down with it. Trailer sway can be a major problem for many trailer owners, especially with New Zealand’s winding roads, and […]
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How to stop your car windows from fogging up
/ - 4 mins readAs the Velvet Underground song goes, “I got a foggy notion!” … but, I confess, when it comes to fogged up windows, I don’t have the foggiest. Having full understanding on how to stay safe when your windows mist up is essential driver knowledge. There are always things to learn in the automotive world, and […]
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How car tyres are made
/ - 3 mins readIt’s fair to say we tend to take our tyres for granted. I might be speaking for myself, but I just expect to them to be there and to work when it comes to heading out for a spin. Sure, they’re super helpful, you know, gripping the road and basically saving your life at corner […]
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Expert’s guide to making your tyres last longer
- 4 mins readI remember once upon a time, I’d just joined the local football team, and was driving my new team mates home after practice one evening. The car was packed, the music was up and so were the voices. As I edged left to slow down let a couple of the boys on the side of […]
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Are extended car warranties really worth it?
/ - 4 mins readOkay, so you’ve picked the car of your dreams (or at least, one that fits neatly into your budget), you’ve figured out the best negotiation techniques, and now you’re down at the card yard looking to pick up those hot new wheels for summer. Then the dealer throws in a last spar, “would you like […]
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Expert’s guide to brake pads
- 4 mins readThere’s a terrible joke that speed demons love to tell, which goes something along the lines of, “if you need to remove unnecessary weight from the vehicle, start with the brake pads.” We’ll let the laughter die down for a moment before we proceed… Or not? Your brakes are one of your car’s most vital […]
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Expert’s guide to motor vehicle tax deductions
/ - 4 mins read“It’s tax time, baby!” … said no one. Ever. For many of us, the end of the financial year can be a bit of an… adventure, let’s say. But not necessarily the kind we’re used to here at MyAutoShop! After a few questions here and there from your accountant or tax agent, and perhaps a […]
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Zen guide to less stress on your school run
- 4 mins readEvery day, parents, carers, and grandparents face the school run and manage to survive, but whether you emerge a frazzled mess or unfazed depends on your preparation and tolerance. Let’s go over a few strategies we’ve uncovered to get through the school run without so much as a bead of sweat trickling down that forehead […]
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Expert’s guide to buying a car at an auction
- 5 mins readWhen it comes to car auctions, you’re like to imagine motor-mouthed auctioneer exclaiming, “sold to the man in the yellow hat!” or something along those lines. It’s a high energy environment, for sure, and you wouldn’t be wrong in your estimation of what it’ll be like. This is still true in some auction houses, but […]
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Caravans: a driver’s guide
- 5 mins readWhether you’re heading away on a road trip or just heading out for a summer cruise, it’s safe to say the time is right to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. If you’re of the nomadic persuasion, you’ll no doubt know the allure of New Zealand’s many camping grounds and all the good times […]
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Expert’s guide to car loans
- 4 mins readAre you currently in the market for a new car? Welcome to one of the biggest decisions of your life! There are so many things to consider when it comes to purchasing a vehicle. From make, model, colour and so on, to the details like km’s on the odometer, andfuel effiency, the list goes on. […]
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5 methods car dealers use to get top dollar
- 4 mins readIt’s timely to be writing an article about car dealers and the tactics they use on (sometimes) unsuspecting buyers to get them to spend more. I’m looking for a vehicle, searching through private sellers and car dealers alike for that perfect vehicle. But, alas, the time has come! At MyAutoShop, we’ve got your back, and […]
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All about those extra costs on your car service
/ - 3 mins readRightio, so you’ve organised a car service through MyAutoShop, organised to get your car serviced (within the recommended timeframe as well, well done!) and, at the time of dropping your car off at the mechanic’s, they ask if you’re after any additional service items. You may be wondering what they’re referring to, given you’ve ostensibly […]
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