How to tell if your clutch is bad


If you’re keeping the automotive dream alive and driving a manual, you’ll be familiar with your clutch pedal. Most people know the signs that their clutch is going bad. The burning smell under load is hard to miss.

Clutches engage and disengage the gearbox to the engine, as such they wear out. They ensure that the engine and the transmission spin at the same speed when disengaged. When engaged, they allow you to shift gear, independent of the engine and then reengage the power.

What is a clutch?

A clutch disc is connected to the clutch pedal via the clutch cable. It’s looks a lot like a plate, that’s why it’s called the clutch plate.

The clutch presses against the pressure plate and flywheel. That’s how it mates the two together. You usually have a hydraulic system that includes a clutch master cylinder to help you engage and disengage it.

Without the clutch it’s at least very hard and most likely impossible to operate the vehicle. That’s why you want to spot problems with your clutch early.

You can click here and book a diagnostic with a mechanic near you to assess what possible problems you could have.

How to tell if there’s a problem with my clutch

As we said earlier, if you’re accelerating and your engine is revving faster than the speedometer is moving, you’ll smell it. A slipping clutch will burn due to friction and give off the unmistakable smell that it’s time to replace it.

You may also start to notice a grinding noise when changing gears. This means that the clutch is not engaging properly and allowing the pressure plate to spin freely. This means you are grinding when selecting a new gear because the engine is still slightly powering the transmission.

If your clutch is more spongy than usual that can be a sign it’s getting a little worn. Also look for anything unusual when pressing the pedal. If you feel it chopping, vibrating or sticking then that can be an issue with the clutch system.

What do I do if I need a clutch replaced?

Just click here, we can help you get that sorted in no time at all.