A very squeaky windscreen wiper blade

Why are my windscreen wiper blades squeaking?

/ - 2 mins read

Okay, if you’ve found this blog, it’s likely that we share similar tolerance levels when it comes to squeaky windscreen wiper blades. And trust me, tolerance is required! Is there anything more annoying that that slow, painful squeak you hear when there’s anything less than a full-blown torrential downpour? The answer is no. No there […]

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How To: Top Up My Windscreen Washer Fluid

/ - 2 mins read

Why do you need windscreen washer fluid? Your windscreen is like your glasses, great for seeing, annoying when smudged. Seeing as things like bugs, rain, mud and everything else on the road gets all over your windscreen you need to clean it. This is where the cleaning agent in your windscreen washer fluid comes in […]

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