When do I get my car serviced?

/ - 3 mins read

Nearly all modern cars have different service intervals, this is to do with different engine constructions and different engineering requirements. If your car needs a service, or any other work, click here. For example a higher performance European car like a Mercedes, BMW, or Audi, will require more oil changes, filter changes and maintenance to […]

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How to increase a car’s resale value

/ - 2 mins read

If you’re thinking it’s time to sell your car, or want to preserve the resale value of your car, we have some good tips. The key thing to remember is to approach it like you’re buying the car. Imagine you are buying a brand new car, what do you want to see, and what would […]

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Can spark plugs increase horsepower

/ - 2 mins read

Your spark plugs are responsible for igniting the fuel and air mixture in your petrol engine. They work extremely hard, endure heat cycles and wear over time. Spark plugs can be replaced with the OEM specification plugs as recommended. By sticking to the manufacturer’s service schedule you can ensure that your cars performance isn’t compromised. […]

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How To Change My Car Oil

/ - 4 mins read

Why Do You Need To Change Your Oil? Your oil is what keeps your engine lubricated, cooled and happy. It makes sure that everything that needs to move, can do so safely. It makes your engine last longer, run better and perform stronger. Your oil has the most essential job in maintaining your motor and […]

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